How Soon Should I Get Botox Before Vacation?

How Soon Should I Get Botox Before Vacation?

When placed skillfully, Botox® is a godsend. It completely erases wrinkles, and it even gives the skin a beautiful glow. 

However, too much or too little Botox can leave you with your lines intact or with a frozen face. 

Our experts at Bethel Family Medicine have three decades of experience serving patients in Brockton, Massachusetts, and surrounding areas. We understand how important it is to have an experienced and skilled team on your side when addressing the signs of aging. Below, we explain how you should plan a Botox treatment if you want to look your best in vacation photos. 

Botox timeline and how long it takes to work 

Botox is an injection containing a purified neurotoxin that interferes with the messages sent between the facial muscles and the nervous system. It stops facial muscles from contracting, allowing the skin to soften. 

As you age, your skin loses its collagen and elastin, which makes your skin less elastic and less likely to bounce back to its initial position. 

By preventing movements, Botox allows your skin to rest and prevents it from creasing even in the absence of optimal amounts of collagen and elastin. Consequently, skin that’s not forced to crease experiences a decrease in wrinkles about 14 days after the injection of Botox. 

Botox also works best when injected patients don’t expose themselves to hot environments, as high temperatures may cause the neurotoxin to be less effective. After these 14 days, exposure to hot temperatures no longer impacts results. 

How long Botox keeps your face wrinkle-free

If you’re planning a longer vacation but don’t want to leave your home looking 10 years younger and come back looking 10 years older, it’s important to know that Botox lasts about 3-4 months after injection. 

However, if it’s your first time getting Botox, you may see the results diminishing earlier. People usually have longer-lasting results during their second treatment.

In addition, the location where the Botox is injected can also impact its longevity. Botox injected into the forehead and between the eyes tends to last longer. People who are less animated may enjoy longer results as well.

Those who are very active and have a fast metabolism eliminate the neurotoxin the fastest.

Plan your vacation Botox with us 

Botox treatments are fast and effective, and they come with minimal side effects. If you’re looking to refreshen your look this summer, contact us to schedule an appointment. Our team is eager to discuss your cosmetic goals and let you know if Botox is the best way to achieve them. 

Our team also offers dermal fillers, which can be used to restore lost volume to the face. 

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